
Tags:toolsscriptspowershellActive-Directorypowerview Related to:hackingbug-bountyTCMcrtposcpenumeration See also: Introduction to Active Directory, Microsoft AD Module Index: 🗂️ Index of CRTP


How to setup and use powerview for AD enumeration


Where can it be used?

On a device connected to the AD environment.

How to setup?

  1. Download powerview from powerview github (in C:\AD\Tools to prevent AV detection)
  2. Open powershell
  3. Change directory to the installed script dir
  4. Run cmd
  5. Disable execution policy using powershell -ep bypass
  6. Run . ./powerview.ps1

You can now use powerview.

Some commands

Get-NetDomain - Get current domain

Get-NetDomain -Domain <domain name> - Get object of the mentioned domain (where we have trust to do so)

Get-DomainSID - Get domain SID for current domain

Get-DomainPolicy - Displays Domain policies

(Get-DomainPolicy)."system access" - Shows system access policy details of our current machine

Get-NetDomainController - Get domain controller details

Get-NetDomainController -Domain <domain name> - Get domain controller details of particular domain

Refer Enumeration Cheatsheet AD for more commands.


Active Directory Enumeration Hacker Notes https://gist.github.com/HarmJ0y/184f9822b195c52dd50c379ed3117993