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Core component of LSASS

Access token is similar to a cookie provides user access to system or resources without having to provide vreds each time

Token generated by winlogon.exe - token contains identity and priv info This token attached to userinit.exe andall child processes started by user will inherit token from this process

two types

  • Impersonate level token - made during non interactive logon - can only be used in local system
  • Delegate level token - made through traditonal login - or RDP - can be used to impersonate tokens on any system

They following privs are required for impersonation

  • SeAssignPrimaryToken
  • SeCreateToken
  • SeImpersonatePrivilage

Incognito Module

A meterpreter module that lists access token that we can impersonate

Metepreter load incognito - loads incognito list_tokens -u - lists tokens impersonate_token “Token name”

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