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tshark -r pacap_file.pcap -Y ‘http’ - view http traffic alone

tshark -r pacap_file.pcap -Y ‘ip.src ip-address && ip.dst ip-address’ - find traffic from src ip and dst ip

tshark -r pacap_file.pcap -Y ‘http.request.method == GET’ - get all GET requests

tshark -r pacap_file.pcap -Y ‘http.request.method == GET -Tfields -e frame.time -e ip.src -e http.request.full_uri’ - get all GET requests and show only time, src ip and full url fields

tshark -r pacap_file.pcap -Y ‘http contains password’ - shows packets that contains password

tshark -r pacap_file.pcap -Y ‘http.request.method GET && http.host www.nytimes.com -Tfields -e ip.dst’ - show dst address for get requests set to ny times website

tshark -r pacap_file.pcap -Y ‘ip contains amazon.in && ip.src=ip-address’ -Tfields -e p.src -e http.cookie - gives out src address and cookie of sessions with amazon.in from given ip address

tshark -r pacap_file.pcap -Y ‘ip.src== ipaddress && http’ -Tfields -e http.user_agent - shows user agent of IP address