Tags:htpwriteup Related to:wordpressssh See also:
Writeup for ten ten box
Ran nmap scan to find port 80 and port 22 were open
- port 80 ran a wordpress site
- port 22 was ssh
Ran wpscan
- discovered a very old plugin jobmanager
- job manager has idor vulnerability
Examine site to discover IDOR
- on inspection we find that - the last number part is the number we can vary to get different titles.
- We observe the title changes with name
- we run a simple code in terminal to automate checking the different titles
for i in $(seq 1 20); do echo -n "$i: "; curl$i/ | grep '<title>' ; done
- We find different file names including our uploaded file
- Another intersting file name was HackerAccessGranted
Exploit for the CVE was searched and found the exploit can identify file location. We run the exploit to find the HackerAccessGranted.jpg file
The file upload functionality didn’t accept php so we didn’t go for shell upload.
jpg file might contain hidden content so we try
but get gibberish -
to see anything embedded in image - nothing -
We try
to find steganography - we extract to get rsa key in image it is encypted.