things to look for Android manifest.xml

Unnecessary permissons activity exported = true

content providers- exported hardcoded creds

backup true debug true

decompile using apk apktool

apktool d appname.apk  # -f -r 

or use jadx gui

gets a decoded folder

lib to inject objects

.so files might have keys

original has android manifest.xml

smali - has app src code

Hardcoded strings


can be found in activity source code

google api keys can cost money to perople

look for urls, buckets, keys,, secrets

use search featue of jadx

find locations of dbs

Start an exported activity

am start apppackagename/.activityname

Enumerating AWS Storage buckets

Cloud Enum Link

AWS CLI: sudo apt-get install awscli

AWS CLI Documentation:

Enumeration of Firebase

Firebase Enum Github:

find endpoints and try to access url/.json endpoint

Some firebase areas may be out in the open while some is protected

Automating static analysis

MobSF Github Repo:

MobSF Dependencies:

wkhtmltopdf to generate PDF Reports:

Whats deeplink