SMB - Server Message Block Protocol - is a client-server communication protocol used for sharing access to files, printers, serial ports and other resources on a network


  • Conduct a port scan on the target. Usually found on ports 139/445
  • Enum4Linux tool can be used for enumerating SMB shares on Win and linux


smbclient -L - lists shares in smb

smbclient \\ip-address\share-name - access share

-U [name] : to specify the user

-p [port] : to specify the port

  • Check for annonymous login

    • if successful - check for interesting files
  •  CVE-2017-7494 that can allow remote code execution by exploiting SMB

SMB Nmap scripts

  • smb-protocols : Tells what protocols and dialects that server uses
  • smb-security-mode: Tells about security mode
  • smb-enum-sessions: enumerates sessions , can try login by providing uname and password
  • smb-enum-shares: Enumerate shares
  • smb-enum-users
  • smb-enum-domains
  • smb-enum-groups
  • smb-enum-services
  • smb-ls: list as in linux
  • smb-os-discovery : Shows OS details


smbmap -u usernmae -p password or "" -d . -H hostip : Shows shares and access

smbmap -u usernmae -p password or "" -H hostip -x ‘ipconfig’ : Runs ipconfig code via SMB

**smbmap -u usernmae -p password or "" -H hostip -L **: Lists all the drives

smbmap -u usernmae -p password or "" -H hostip -r ‘C$’: Connects to C drive and lists the contents

smbmap -u usernmae -p password or "" -H hostip —upload ‘path/to/source’ ‘C$\path\to\dst’ : uploads file to destination in C drive

**smbmap -u usernmae -p password or "" -H hostip —download ‘C$\path\to\file’ ** : downloads file from source in C drive


can use metasploit msf console to enumerate SMB

use auxiliary/scanner/smb_version show options to show all options set option-name value

run / exploit - runs module

nmblookup - lookup information using netbios

smbclinet : use to conect to smb


inside rpc client we can use the following srvinfo - find server info enumdomusers - enumerates domain users lookupnames admin - gets SID of the admin user

enum4linux Very powerful tool can get us a lot of info

SMB Dictionary attack

  • msfconsole
  • use auxiliary/scanner/smb/smb_login
  • supply a user pass file
  • and other params that we got from enum

hydra - can be used for password bruteforce

enumerating pipes

msfconsole use auxiliary/scanner/smb/pipe_auditor : can be used to find piped services

can be used for exploitation

Exploiting SMB

Auth - challenge response system user based and share based

PsExec - like RDP but cmd - auth done through SMB - needs valid creds in windows, - in linux

Get credentials via metasploit

  • start postgresql and msfconsole
  • Serach smb_login
  • use auxiliary/scanner/smb_login
  • set options and run username@target-ip command to run

psexec module in metasploit

use exploit/windows/smb/psexec

See: Eternal Blue

Exploiting SAMBA

  • uses password auth

  • bruteforce

    • hydra -l admin -P /pass/list ip smb
  • smbmap (samba share enumberator)

    • smbmap -H ip -u username -p password
  • smbclient -L ip -U ussename

    • smbclient //ip/sharename -U username
  • enum4linux -a ip