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Basics of docker


  • Dockerfile contains all the commands and base OS details

  • Image - a unit where all Os, dependencies and config is defined

  • Container - Instance of an image

  • docker build -t name:latest. - Builds image from dockerfile

  • docker images - shows list of images

  • docker pull image_name - pulls image from dockerhub

  • docker run -itd -p 8080:80 imagename:latest - start a container from image

    • i - interactive
    • d - daemon mode
    • t - assign false tty
    • 8080 - port on host device
    • 80 - exposed port in image
  • docker ps - lists the running containers

  • docker exec -it ContainerID command

  • docker run -itd --name newname imagename - create a container named new name from image imagename and execute

  • docker stop - stops all docker containers

  • docker rmi - removes all images from disk

  • docker rm - removes all containers from disk

  • Note: We can use first 4 characters of container ID instead of the whole ID

How docker container is stored on disk

  • docker info - gives info about docker, profiles, storage location
  • docker inspect imagename - gives info about a particular image
  • Anyone with root access on host will have complete control over the containers and its contents
  • Docker forms intermediate layers after each instruction

Control Groups
  • It helps to limit access to resources availble for containers
  • Crucial for avoiding forkbombs
  • find /sys/fs/cgroup/ -name "image name" to find cgroup entries
  • pid entrys are of great interest
  • on navigating to folder you can find pids.max - if it is max it is dangerous ❗
  • docker run -itd --pids-limit 6 imagename - pids-limit sets the pid limit to 6 in this example

  • Namspaces are used to provide containers isolation from host
  • Docker uses the following namspaces on linux
    • PID - for process isolation
    • NET - for managing network interfaces
    • IPC - for managing IPC resource access
    • MNT - for managing filesystem mount points
    • UTS - for isolating kernel and version identifiers
    • User ID for privilage isolation
  • root on container can make changes in roots in host - usually without namespace

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