for 12.5.5 - install Chimera from jailbreakapps on iPhone
Open app and hit jailbreak - if doesnt work use diable tweaks option and try again.
Jailbreak is lost if phone restarts…
You can see sileo installed. You can install other apps now. Use silieo from inside Chimera itself
Installing Apps
install openssh from chimera if not already present
try ssh via putty or terminal to ip address in settings ⇒ wifi ⇒ i button in wifi name ⇒ IP address
Default creds are root:alpine
Insatall Filemaster file manager to view and transfer wile. Use wifi transfer to tranfer file between pc and iphone
install appstore ++ using the repo in sileo - stilll app doesn’t work so far
Default directory after ssh login is ~ or /var/root - root directory of root user