This is a sample summary of the page. This page provides an easy to start with template which can be used to record information and additional tags and attributes which link this info with other notes
Hackers Question Everything
Hackers are innately curious, every parameter, every function should be curiously looked at. Why does something work the way it is. What could have the developer thought while writing a function. Can we we get more end points or parameters?
Question Everything and keep trying for things
Note on VDPs
Use VDPs for testing your skills / research or for the sake of a challenge, Do not give them a full test. Use them but within limits. Do not burnout trying to find bugs for free.
Basic toolkit
Burp suite
Amass - for subdomain and content (i feel ffuf, gobuster, dirsearch, subfinder can do better)
httpprobe (i feel httpx is better) - to probe endpoints and s
anew - to append new domains to list of existing ones and remove duplicates - GitHub - tomnomnom/anew: A tool for adding new lines to files, skipping duplicates
dnsgen - Generate endpoints and find if they exist-GitHub - AlephNullSK/dnsgen: Generates combination of domain names from the provided input.
Aquatone (use gowitness instead) for visual inspection of the target
ffuf - for finding files and directories
seclists - ( for wordlists
- - for custom scripts - make your custom scripts
wayback machine scanner -
ParamScanner – A custom tool to scrape each endpoint discovered and search for input names, ids and javascript parameters. The script will look for and scrape the name & ID and then try it as a parameter. As well as this it will also search for var {name} = “” and try determine parameters referenced in javascript. An old version of this tool can be found here Similar suchs include LinkFinder by @GerbenJavado which is used to scrape URLs from javascript files here: and @CiaranmaK has a tool named parameth used for brute forcing parameters.
AnyChanges – This tool takes a list of URLS and regularly checks for any change
Pro tip : Use tools and scripts to find new parameters, content and functionality to poke at - look for new things - that is where gold is
Common issues zseano starts with
- Starts with what he knows best then go on looking for others
- Spends months on a target to understand it as deep as possible
- First primarily looks for filters in place and tries to bypass them