Words of wisdom
The more bug classes you know and the quirks of a language the more likely you might discover issues and recognize patterns
pick one language first
Many issues depend on architecture and operating system
learn from others - find what others have found and understand how it was done at first
Ways to learn
The github method
- search for vulns eg: ‘fix sql injection’ and look at commits
- different bug classes can be found in in CWE
- focus on the vulnerable candidate and work backwards to understand
- try running the vulnerable functions and supplying user input to see outputs
- When people fix one instance of the bug, the y often leave others open - look for other instances of the the issue
- Check and earlier commit and see if i can spot the vuln without looking the patch
- Also try searching vulnerable code pattern directly in GitHub to find them
The exploit DB Method
- Search for a vuln, download the vulnerable application and explore the code
- If stuck look at the exploit and try to understand how the exploitation works ( check if it works in the first place )
Bug Class Exploration
- CWE has a lot of samples and details
- Create scripts to simulate running of functions
”Source code security audit speed run” - Eldar Marcussen
Execution flow Data flow Interuptions to flow
Data Flow
- Source
- sink
- trust boundaries
- Stage change
Taint analysis
- hotspot checking
- Grepping the keywords
- Control flow sensitive
- reading the code the way it is executed - go from one function to function calll
- data flow sensitive
- tracking the data - how the data is flowing through the app
- focus oriented
- looking for a specific component / library
- used in authentication and authorization
- forward tracing
- backwards tracing
- both f/w and backward tracing is starting at a random point and seeing where data came from
Identifying weaknesses
- reading documentation
- recognizing weakness paterns in source code
- recognizing weakness patterns in design or process
- analyze poor decision making
- try writing small scripts to understand how the code handles data - especially for languages you are unfamiliar with
- take breaks
Issues can be classified as both Presence of something that shouldn’t be there
- flawed code
- logical isseus
Absence of something
- Lack of authentication
- Lack of authorization
Audit Speed run
- identify weakness
- prioritize high impact vulnerabilities
- check exploitability
Tools aren’t enough manual labor is required
- absence of something is very difficult to detect
grep ✨ - a magic tool
quickly build custom scripts
- use regexes to filter out required data and run through tools
Vuln speed run
- avoid false positives
- avoid false negatives
- make a shortlist of vuln classes
- code exec
- sqli / injection etc
- avoid drowning in xss
- tweak the scripts to get developer habits
The higher up in code the issue, the more likely it can be exploited
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hpYjjj1UAXs&t=0s https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=b8Xbzer1n94&t=0s https://trycrack.me/index https://github.com/awesome-security/awesome-static-analysis https://github.com/lukehutch/awesome-static-analysis https://github.com/analysis-tools-dev/static-analysis